How to win the retail pitch
The 3 steps to impress your retail buyer and win the next pitch
It's presentation day. You're excited, ecstatic even, to share the pitch with your retail buyer. Getting to this point takes effort, a conscious reflection on what you can contribute to the big box store.
To gain the business you’ll need to make the buyer's decision effortless, push them to think in a new way or fire them up. Below we'll tell you how to do just that.
There are 3 Steps to Impress and Acquire the Business:
1. Understand Your Buyer
2. Discover Current Pain Points
3. Wow With Deliverables
Step 1: Understand Your Buyer
To engage your buyer is the main goal at the initial stage of new business. Similar to how you research the product’s consumer, you must know the audience you are presenting to.
Research your audience. Where is the buyer from? Are they married? Have kids? Is his/her style mid-century modern or do they prefer a country look?
The key is to draw parallels between the buyer, your product, and the presentation
Package design and product selection based on the research of the buyer’s preferred home style found via Pinterest | Client: Foss Floors
Step 2: Discover Current Pain Points
Solving a retailers' problems will get you far. The problem can be self-identified (something they did not realize was an issue until you pointed it out), or better, the issue is well-known (something they've been wracking their brains on).
If your product or company can bring the solution to the table, you've won. The same still, if you identify a solution by methods that your product cannot solve, you have still proven yourself a valuable partner.
Make the buyer’s decision (and life) easy
Package design and in-store display | Client: Foss Floors
Step 3: Wow With Deliverables
Visuals seal the deal. Every presentation the buyer sees will have competitive research and cost analysis, as they should. What every manufacturer won't have are striking visuals: photos, videos, package design, and in-store renderings.
Upbeat video to keep the buyer’s attention in the middle of a long meeting (for presentation purposes only) | Client: DAYE North America
Product photos and videos will keep the buyer engaged. Well-done content shows you are prepared for the steps that come next.
Package Design should appeal to your consumer and have the key messaging a well-informed buyer will be looking for. Use your new-found-knowledge about the buyer from Step 1 to dictate design details and tone.
In-store renderings are a great platform to solve pain points you discovered in Step 2. For example, the image below shows a solution presented to overcome limited shelf space.
If you complete all steps above you will rock the pitch. The retailer will remember you as an industry-leading business partner.
Product photography that shows the brand’s personality | Client: UUFFOO
Draw parallels between the buyer and your product
Make the buyer’s decision simple by solving their problems
Visually impress with well-done photos and videos
Plan ahead with packaging and in-store renderings
Who We Are
SPLASH is your integrated creative solution. We are designers, directors, cameramen, editors, and problem solvers who elevate brands to their fullest potential. From studio and location product content to package design, we are your creative partner.
Need help with your pitch? We can help, reach out to Emily Thorsen at